Project Date: March 2018

Global Missions Site

Requirements: Develop a user friendly website that coordinates with multiple systems to intuitively connect users with over 1500 Word of Life missionaries around the world, on a tight deadline!
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The Word of Life Missions site was, and continues to be, an incredible project. Word of Life manages their 1500+ missionaries in a proprietary internal system, which classifies them into various categories and manages the country information as well.

Fun fact – there are very few “real” pages on this website. Most of them are built on the fly from data on other systems! The IT team at WOL built tools to enable our team to extract data directly from their internal systems, making the process of updating information in all places at once a one-and-done task!

Notable accomplishments include:

  • Coordinated relationships between missionaries and locations to dynamically link the two within the site
  • Built a missionary search tool with close match results based on name and filterable by region, country, and term
  • Developed and implemented a strategy for dynamically querying and storing data from external systems based on user behavior

This is a living project – the WOL IT team and Indelible continue to work together to refine and update the ways the systems communicate and how the information is displayed.


Custom Development
Web Development




Word of Life

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