ECE Breeze Quote

Springfield Area Parent Child Center


Vermont State guidelines for childcare centers are complex and difficult to work through. ECE Breeze aims to provide a platform for easier content consumption and better confidence in staff understanding and compliance.


  • Create a platform that allows child care providers to review the VT State Guidelines with ease
  • Test users on their knowledge of major sections as they progress through the content
  • Generate confirmation that a user has completed the online review


This proposal is based on discussions with SAPCC staff and WECEC staff before that. By way of necessity we have made assumptions where appropriate, which given our experience are unlikely to be far from the mark. The potential for minor adjustments to our understanding of the scope has been factored into the flat rate pricing, though significant differences in scope may require a change in the quoted price.

Notable assumptions include:

  • There are no constraints regarding the choice of technologies used
  • There are no requirements to support outdated or uncommon browsers
  • Indelible will inform content strategy, but SAPCC will provide content (copy & media)
  • SAPCC will input the bulk of the regulations content
  • All content should be usable on any device or screen size as small as 326px wide (10 year old iPhones)
  • Accessibility features and ADA compliance are important considerations


Process & Timeline

This project is essentially a cloud software as a service product and as such should be approached with a continuous improvement philosophy. We will launch version 1.0 with the minimum features to make it a viable product (minimum viable product), then add features as time and budget allow.

The expectation is that this tool will continue to need technical and user support indefinitely, as does any other online platform.

Each subsequent version/major development effort will require its own discovery meeting, written plan, and timeline to be successful.

Bug Fixes

While it’s always our aim to write error free code and test as thoroughly as possible, bugs and content errors are inevitable. For 30 days following the soft launch of the site the Indelible team will fix any issues at no additional cost.

Browser Compatibility

Indelible seeks to create products that are stunning on any browser and on any device. However, for the purposes of making best use of modern technology, limiting unnecessary bloat, and maintaining an appropriate budget and timeline, we do not typically support browsers whose usage is under 4% overall, nor do we support individual versions whose usage is less than 2%. Please note, this includes Microsoft Internet Explorer, which has been replaced by Microsoft Edge. Special accommodations can be made to support additional browsers at an additional monetary and time cost upon request.

See current browser usage statistics here -

Relevant Experience

Global Missions Site

Content Strategy
Data Architecture
Web Development
Learn More

In 2018 the Indelible team developed a site that integrated data from over 1,500 missionaries and 75 countries from around the world.

The data resides in proprietary systems that Word of Life uses to manage their missions efforts internally, and we worked with their IT team to dynamically capture and organize the data in a programmatic way that makes upkeep seamless and the user experience absolutely intuitive.

Word of Life Camps

Content Strategy
Data Architecture
User Interface
Web Design
Web Development
Learn More

When Word of Life asked us to remodel their camps marketing site we explored the existing site and took note of the serious duplication of efforts that happened any time information was updated. We made it our aim to create a series of relationships between camps, speakers, activities, and even weeks in order to make keeping content up to date as simple as possible.

In addition to the complex data structure, each camp came with its own branding. We established strict development standards so that we could completely rebrand an entire microsite with just 11 lines of new style code.

Crown Point Builders

Digital Marketing
Marketing Strategy
Web Development
Learn More

Our relationship with Crown Point Builders has spanned many years and several smaller projects that have all worked together toward the larger marketing efforts.

When we restructured their website at the end of 2020 we utilized photos we’d taken for earlier projects and better integrated content marketing strategies we’d been building for 18 months.

The end result was a stunning new website with a fair amount of content to continue generating SEO juice for years to come.

Key Deliverables & Pricing

Indelible will design and develop a professional website that accomplishes the goals listed above and reflects the excellence and ethos of SAPCC & the state of Vermont.

Website Minimum Viable Product [$1,240]

The minimum viable product includes only those features required to accomplish the most important goals of the project. This includes:

  • Architecture to support user registration & course completion
  • Landing page & navigation to guide users through the process
  • Confirmation of completion that users can print or download
  • Training for SAPCC staff to enter course materials & quizzes

Definitions (Optional) [$1,640]

The definitions feature allows product administrators to input the list of definitions from the state regulations into the site. Then, as those words and phrases appear throughout the site, they are dynamically updated to include a tooltip with the definition, thus reinforcing learning for the end users.

Annual Review Requirements (Optional) [$9,840]

The out-of-the box tools assume a class is taken once. We’ll need to significantly extend the system so that it assumes annual requirements and can retain a historical log of information.

  • Time based reviews on a course by course basis
  • Reminder notifications to users
  • Historical log
  • Administration tools to manage course review settings

Pricing is an estimate. This feature will need a deeper discovery phase to confirm requirements and pricing.

Center Based Groups & Control (Optional) [$11,480]

Center based groups and control features allow center administrators to manage their employee’s accounts within the system. Primary features include:

  • Center management dashboard
  • Ability to add/remove users within the center group
  • Reporting on user progress
  • Automatic notification when users complete their annual review

Pricing is an estimate. This feature will need a deeper discovery phase to confirm requirements and pricing.

Strength Analysis (Optional) [$12,510]

Strength analysis evaluates the questions that individual users and aggregate users at a given center (and conceivably the entire state) struggle with. This data can be used for identifying areas of weakness and proactively addressing those areas before they become problematic. The data can also be used to influence test questions and potentially even the wording of the regulations themselves.

  • Algorithm to analyze patterns of strengths & weaknesses
  • Reporting tools on a user level
  • Reporting tools on a center level
  • Reporting tools on a platform level (optional)

Pricing is an estimate. This feature will need a deeper discovery phase to confirm requirements and pricing.

Hosting [$129.99/month]

Indelible offers a premium, managed hosting service that includes the following major benefits:

  • “Malware proof” security*
  • Performance enhancements tailored to our tech stack
  • Content Delivery Network for improved asset loading (speed)
  • Automatic software updates as patches/security updates are released
  • Regression testing to ensure updates are safely deployed
  • Daily backups
  • Uptime monitoring
  • SSL certificate for data encryption
  • ADA compliance**

* Our hosting offers an extremely high level of security tuned specifically for our products. We’re so confident in the security that, in the unlikely event of a malware infection, we’ll resolve the issue at no cost.

** Our ADA compliance tools regularly scan your site for compliance issues and automatically fix them. This is an ongoing effort, as content is rarely static and compliance standards change over time. In the event of litigation we are able to generate documentation to verify steps that were taken to maintain compliance.

Updates & Maintenance

Our hosting option includes automated software updates for third party software as they are released. When the updates are processed we use automated regression testing to confirm that they have not generated any errors or visual anomalies on the site. If there are errors we roll back the site and begin exploring what the next steps need to be.

It’s important to consider the ongoing life of this product. If there is significant adoption throughout the state it is likely that it will require regular feature updates, design updates, and user support. An ongoing retainer with the development team will likely be necessary at this point.

Vendor Information


Mike Dion - Lead Developer, Project Manager
Kyle Rogstad - Developer, CMS Implementation
Tyler Collins - Designer, Marketing Specialist, CMS Implementation


Indelible Inc.
60 Park St..
3rd Floor,
Springfield, VT 05156
[email protected]

Primary Contact

Mike Dion, Lead Developer
[email protected]
(888) 496-9377

Company Overview

Indelible Inc. incorporated in 2013 and has specialized in building custom websites for our clients in order to help them leverage the power of web technologies to optimize their branding & marketing, simplify processes, and reach their business goals. More eloquently put, we are “Driven to perfect your digital presence.”

Indelible consists of two owner-operators who complete the bulk of the technical coding & development processes. We work closely with a small number of carefully vetted subcontractors and have selected our preferred partners for this project.


Grace Community Church

Brandon Collins, Next Steps Pastor
[email protected]

199 Kings Highway
Warwick, NY 10990
(845) 576-0730

Word of Life

John Yarosh, Marketing Director
[email protected]

4200 Glendale Road
Pottersville, NY 12860
(518) 494-6000

Next Steps

To get started, please contact Mike Dion at [email protected] or (888) 496-9377 x702 or complete the form below.

If any of the aspects of this quote appear to be the result of a misunderstanding of the scope or requirements please contact us and we are happy to recalculate.

Please note, this proposal expires on 9/13/2021.

This proposal has expired. Please contact us to renew!